SaiRam Dear Members.  Please find below the latest Sri Sathya Sai Center of Loudoun Newsletter.
No Center Satsang/Bhajans this Sunday on July 2 2023
Guru Poornima Bhajans on Sunday July 9 2023  @ Sister Sahithi Vedantam Residence.

Address: 42810 Ravenglass Dr, Ashburn VA 20148.  More Details Below.


A warm and loving Sairam Dear Members,

Hope all of you are having a blessed week! 

With Divine's Grace, Last Sunday June 25th in the Center devotional session we completed Madhurashthakam and Ganesha Pancharatnam learning and will continue to practice to offer these chanting's on occasion of Janmashtami & Ganesh Chaturthi. We thank all members who could join the session and be part of the chanting, and also offer bhajans to our Lord.

As a summer devotional initiative as we are taught Madhurashtakam & Ganesh Pancharatnam now, we shall start learning Durga Suktam to be offered during Dussehra.

Please join the sessions. 

See below for more details.

Please find this week's Centre Newsletter, updates from all wings (Devotion, SSSE, Seva & YA) along with Centre Calendar for July 2023 and Zonal/Regional updates.

Sai Ram

Center Newsletter – July 2nd, 2023

Please check the attached July 2023 Calendar above.

Quick Highlights in July 2023:


  • NO CENTER & DEVOTIONAL SESSION on Sunday July 2nd at Sister's Sahithi Vedantam's residence.
  • SSSCL Guru Purnima Celebrations on July 09th @ 42810 Ravenglass Dr, Ashburn, VA 20148 from 10am to 12 noon.
  • Narayana Seva @ Reston & Manassas on July 15th & 22nd.

Please mark your calendars so that you can attend the Center with family and friends, and enjoy the bliss of these special programs.


Don’t forget to subscribe to SSSCL YouTube Channel:

Summer Bhajans Address: 42810 Ravenglass Dr, Ashburn, VA 20148

NO Devotional Satsang & Bhajans on July 2nd 2023.

Guru Purnima Celebrations on Sunday July 09th from 10am to 12 Noon.
Address: 42810 Ravenglass Dr, Ashburn VA 20148

Embrace the Divine Presence: Celebrate Guru Purnima with us at Sri Sathya Sai Center of Loudoun!

Our beloved Bhagawan and the embodiment of love and wisdom has beautifully expressed the challenge that we all face of recognizing the innate divinity in our human form. We are often unable to perceive the true nature of divinity through the physical form alone. It is here that the guidance of a true Guru becomes invaluable. The Guru reveals the real essence of the divine and helps us awaken our spiritual vision.

It is with immense joy and enthusiasm that Sri Sathya Sai Center of Loudoun invites you to participate in next week’s Guru Purnima celebrations on July 9th. This occasion, and the weekly devotional service gatherings offer a sacred space for praying together, singing together, and listening to and discussing spiritual discourses, enabling us to bask in the loving energy of fellow devotees. Attending these services will nourish our spirits, deepen our connection with Swami, and provide us with the strength and inspiration to lead a life filled with love, service, and righteousness.

As Guru Purnima approaches, we have the auspicious opportunity to honor and express our gratitude to Bhagawan for His divine guidance. Traditionally on this sacred day, disciples traditionally offer Padha Puja, a reverential worship of Guru's holy feet, and give Dakshina, a heartfelt offering of gratitude. What other Dakshina does our Swami expect from us other than our hearts filled with love, hands busy in serving others, and life filled with devotion? Let us come together and offer these as a token of our gratitude to Swami who blessed us all with so much of His love and grace!

Let us all embrace this profound occasion, to delve into the depths of our spiritual journey, and to honor the Divine presence. Join us in celebrating Guru Purnima with unwavering faith and devotion. Let us open our hearts to the transformative power of love and surrender. Together, let us create an atmosphere of divine bliss and wisdom.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday July 09th at Sister's Sahithi Vedantam House! 

Sai Ram.

Sri Sathya Sai Educare (SSSE) Updates


Sai Ram


Month of July 2023 service activities:

*Narayana Seva (dinner at Reston shelter): July 15th**
Desc: Prepare and serve dinner at Reston Shelter located at: 11975 Bowman Towne Dr, Reston, VA 20190 on Saturday, July 15th, 2023.
Signup link: To be Shared

*Narayana Seva (dinner at Manassas shelter): July 22nd**

Prepare and serve dinner at Manassas Shelter located at:10056 Dean Dr, Manassas, VA 20144 on Saturday, June 24th, 2023.
Signup link: To be Shared

*Vidya Vahini IEP update**                        

Registration link for Inclusive Education Project (IEP) undertaken by Sri Satya Sai Vidya Vahini (SSSVV) is given below:  Or email at:
Sai Ram

Young Adults Updates

1. YA Re-registration Form: Please look for information from YA reps to re-confirm as active YA of the center by registering using the link below.
YA Re-Registration Form
2. SSSCL YA group has many service opportunities at Center, if you are interested to be part of any Seva, Devotional, SSSE support or help. Please reach out to our Female YA Rep Varsha Rao or Male YA Rep Arjun Sundaram.
If you have any questions and (or) looking for more YA updates, please reach out to our Female YA Rep Varsha Rao or Male YA Rep Arjun Sundaram.

Sai Ram

SSSGC's  Regional, National and Zonal Updates

SSSGC (USA) – Region 2 Updates:

1. Region 2 Parthi Pilgrimage:  July 4th to 6th 2023.
 USA Parthi Pilgrimage 2023 Registration  
We are  extremely fortunate to have received blessings  that enable us to embark on a pilgrimage to our source, Prasanthi Nilayam, from July 4th- 6th, 2023. 

SSSGC-USA National Announcements

1. SSSGC Mini Retreat in Indianapolis – SAVE THE DATE 7/29/23 10 AM – 3 PM

We are very excited to announce that SSSGC Region 5 will have a Mini retreat on July 29 2023-Saturday at INDIANAPOLIS, HTCI Basement from 10 AM-3 PM. Please see the attachment for more details.
All the Sai families, please save the date. This invitation is open to all the regions. 
Please register to attend the SSSGC Region 5 Mini Retreat–

2. SSSGC-Rochester Sai Center- Gurupoornima Celebrations 07/02/2023

We are thrilled to announce the wonderful news of the Rochester Sai Family joining the Sathya Sai Global Council-USA family! It brings us immense joy to welcome them.

To celebrate this auspicious occasion, we invite each and every one of you to join us in the Gurupoornima Celebrations organized by the SSSGC-Rochester Sai Center. The event will take place on July 2, 2023, at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). (please see the attached flyer)
Guest Speaker; Dr. Dhurjati Mudigonda

SSSGC-Zone1 Updates:

Below are the zonal announcements for all members for this week : Click Here

Zone 1 Announcements

SSSCLC (Sri Sathya Sai Center Leaders Conference 2023) Theme Song Details
SSSCLC (Sri Sathya Sai Center Leaders Conference 2023) Travel Document Details

You can share your feedback by using “Contact Us” on our zonal website at

Link to website announcement page:

Sai Ram
Video of the Week 
“| Guru Paduka Stotram| Prasanthi Bhajan Group |”

Lyrics of Guru Paduka Stotram:

1) Ananta Samsaara Samudra Taara Noukaayitaabhyaam Guru Bhakti Daabhyaam Vairaagya Saamraajyada Poojanaabhyaam Namo Namaha Sree Guru Paadukaabhyaam (2)

2) Kavitva Vaaraashi Nishaakaraabhyaam Dourbhaagya Daavaambudamaalikaabhyaam Doori Krutaa Namra Vipatti Taabhyaam (Namo Namaha… 3)

3) Nataayayau Sree Patitaam Sameeyuhu Kadaachidapyaashu Daridra Varyaah Mookaascha Vaachaspatitaam Hitaabhyaam (Namo Namaha… 3)

4) Naalikaneekaasha Padaahrutaabhyam Naanaa Vimohaadi Nivaarikaabhyaam Namajjanaabheeshta Tatipradaabhyaam (Namo Namaha… 3)

5) Nrupaali Mouli Vraja Ratna Kaanti Sarid Viraajan Jhasha Kanyakaabhyaam Nrupatva Daabhyam Nata Loka Pankteh (Namo Namaha… 3)

6) Paapaandhakaaraarka Paramparaabhyaam Taapatrayaaheendra Khageshwaraabhyaam Jaadyaabdhi Samshoshana Baadavaabhyaam (Namo Namaha… 3)

7) Shamaadi Shatkaprada Vaibhavaabhyaam Samaadhi Daanavrata Deekshitaabhyaam Muktehe Hetuscha Sthira Bhakti Daabhyaam (Namo Namaha… 3)

8) Swaarchaa Paraanaam Akhileshta Daabhyaam Swaahaa Sahaayaaksha Dhurandharaabhyaam Swaantaacchha Bhaava Prada Poojanaabhyaam (Namo Namaha… 3)

9) Kaamaadi Sarpavraja Gaarudaabhyaam Viveka Vairaagya Nidhi Pradaabhyaam Bodhapradaabhyaam Druta Mokshadaabhyaam (Namo Namaha… 3)

Sai Ram

Jai Sai Ram!

Saideepa Amin (
Karthik Srinivasan (  
Vijay Konkimalla (  
Arjun Sundaram (  
Varsha Rao (  
Prasanthi Babu (
Raghavendran Srinivasan (

!! Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavanthu !!


Copyright © *2023* *Sri Sathya Sai Global Council Center of Loudoun, VA*, All rights reserved.

Our Center Website address is:


May Swami's Love flow through All

At his divine lotus feet,

Raghavendran Srinivasan


Sri Sathya Sai Center of Loudoun Committee
